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Top 8 ways where Bing ads go over Google AdWords
29 May 2020

The Top Eight ways Bing ads are better than Google AdWords

Bing network holds 31.3% of the market share, resulting in a conversion rate of 8.78%, compared to traffic from Google which had a much smaller rate of 5.96%.  Both of them provide similar services, but differ in preferences.

There was a time when Google AdWords had all of the market share and was the choice of marketers. In time, Bing Ads has become an alternative to Google AdWords. Bing Ads possess almost all the features of AdWords, and makes it a must have advertising method for small businesses. Here are the top ways where Bing Ads is ahead of Google AdWords:

  1. Less competition with cheaper costs per click:

Bing is a great advertising platform for small business. Bing Ads uses an auction dynamic similar to that of the AdWords auction, so the advertisers on Bing have numerous benefits including low competition, higher ad position and cheaper costs per click.

  1. Provides great customer service:

Undoubtedly, Google provides the best customer service, but when it comes to Bing, their services are amazing, as well. Bing representatives are extremely helpful and provide the best solution available for the issues encountered. Bing provides quicker and more effective solutions compared to Google customer services.

  1. Import your Google campaigns directly into Bing ads:

Bing allows you to import Google AdWords campaigns. You can use them as Bing Ads campaigns without any hassle. No two search engines deliver the same results. Therefore, Google AdWords needs to be reviewed before uploading. Just download the campaign from Google AdWords into an Excel file, and upload that file into the editor software of Bing Ads.

  1. Better targeting options:

Bing Ads provides better targeting options as compared to Google AdWords. The following are the targeting options available within Bing Ads.

  • Demographic targeting within search:

Bing Ads offer demographic targeting within search networks for both the campaign and group level.

  • Search partner targeting:

This helps weed out poor performers that could be blocked, later.  

  • Device targeting:

Bing Ads provides control over tablets and smartphones separately, offering specific bid modifiers for each. Avoiding device targeting is seen as wasted ad spend. 

  1. Better social extensions:

Bing started testing social extensions back in 2014. It's a meaningful extension that can boost your ad's credibility and help drive conversions.

Google AdWords also provides extension service, but only for Google Hangout users. Bing Ads provides social extension services for all of the social media networks for which your business is a part.

  1. Allows controlled search demographics:

Google AdWords provides no kind of demographic targeting on the search network, whereas Bing Ads allows marketers to target their prospecting customers on the basis of age and gender demographics. Demographic targeting can be controlled at either the campaign or ad group level within Bing Ads.

  1. Writing ad copy is easier:

Both Google AdWords and Bing Ads provide the same word count for titles and ad descriptions; i.e. 25 and 70 characters respectively. In Google AdWords, we have to divide ad descriptions into two lines containing 35 character each. On the other hand, Bing Ads allows marketers to describe the ad in a single line. This doesn’t make much difference, but marketers don't have to split the ad description into two lines.

  1. Have audience from Yahoo and Bing:

Bing’s network consists of Bing, Yahoo and AOL, and according to Bing, the search engine is used by 59 million users who are not reached by Google. If your competitors are still not using Bing Ads, then you also get competitive advantage.

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