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Five Common Bing Ads campaign setup mistakes to keep in mind
29 May 2020

Five Common Bing Ads campaign setup mistakes to keep in mind

According to Bing, the search engine is used by 59 million users which makes it beneficial for marketers to run ad campaigns using it and to achieve desired targets.

Setting Bing Ads is an easy task to do, but mistakes associated with Bing Ads can be found in every account. Here is a list of five common Bing Ads campaign mistakes you should avoid when creating a campaign.

  1. Not reviewing Google AdWords uploads:

Bing allows you to import Google AdWords campaigns, and you can use them as a Bing Ads campaign without any hassle. No two search engines deliver the same results. Therefore, Google AdWords needs to be reviewed before uploading. Download the campaign from Google AdWords into an Excel file, and upload that file into the editor software of Bing Ads. For faster results, you can connect both PPC accounts.

  1. Not taking advantage of key targeting options:

Bing ads lavish marketers with several targeting options, and avoiding this would be a waste of ad money. Bing Ads provides the following key targeting options to marketers:

  • Demographic targeting within a search:

Bing Ads offer demographic targeting within search networks for both the campaign and group level. Demographic targeting can be found in the advanced settings and helps place bids.

  • Search partner targeting:

With the help of additional transparency of search partners provided by Bing Ads, it would be a great mistake if the performance of partners is not reviewed every week after importing ads. This can weed out poor performers which could be blocked later.

  • Device targeting:

Bing Ads provides control over tablets and smartphones separately, offering specific bid modifiers for each. Avoiding device targeting, it is seen as wasted ad spend. 

  1. Not being careful with campaign settings:

If not done carefully, campaign settings can become a silent killer of results.  Each Bing Ads account has specific settings for certain elements, like ads, keywords, bids, etc. If the campaign settings are not set correctly, this may result in worse performance or in limits of overall volume.

  1. Not applying ad extensions:

Ad extensions is another area which gets neglected while crafting a Bing Ads campaign. Bing Ads extensions include product extensions and call extensions. When selling online, product extensions hold great importance for Bing Ads. Site links have become mission critical when it comes to snagging more real estate on the SERPs.     

  1. Not applying auto tagging:

Earlier, SEO experts needed to manually tag all URLs to popularize Bing data with Google Analytics, which was a time and energy consuming task and more prone to errors causing data inconsistency.

Auto tagging is a new feature that could be used with Bing Ads. Now, the SEO experts are using the auto tagging feature to make the most out of the budget available. This feature is available within your account settings, you should turn on auto tagging, and do it now!

Once proper knowledge of Bing Ads is utilized and common mistakes are avoided, your efforts will lead to great results.


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