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How to advertise your small business using Bing ads
29 May 2020

How to advertise your small business using Bing ads

For small businesses, advertising on search engines is the ladder to success. This helps marketers get their website in front of potential customers at the moment they are looking for a type of product or service that you provide.

Bing Ads is one of the most popular PPC platforms available for the small businesses which can help them earn hordes of traffic and increase ROI. Bing Ads includes two types of networks within it: search and content. The search side includes the traffic coming from Bing, MSN and Yahoo. The content side involves one more party – the publisher.

How to set up your Bing Ads account in 9 steps:

  • Request a $100 coupon

Bing Ads provides a $100 coupon to first time advertisers that visit the Bing Ads sign up page and enters their information. When you're done with that, click the “sign up for Bing Ads” button in the upper right hand corner of the page.

  • Create your account

You can enter any email address that is not already associated with Bing. Then, enter your information to create your Microsoft account (if you don’t already have one). 

  • Import from Google AdWords or skip this step

Importing from Google AdWords is a tool available for people who are already running Google search ads and want to run the same ads on Bing. If you are not running ads on Google, you can skip this step.

  • Do your keyword research

Before crafting your ads, do a little research for keywords you want to display in your ads. You should go for keywords that have a high volume of traffic, along with low competition and are clicked frequently.

You also want your ads to display for keywords with high purchasing intent. This means that people who are searching these terms are more likely to buy.

  • Create your campaign

Once you have selected the keywords you want you ads to show for, it’s time to create your first campaign. Go to the dashboard and click on “create campaign.”

Select the goal of your campaign to have a better idea of what you want to accomplish with ads, and follow the instruction to fill in the entries.

  • Enter your keywords and choose the match type

After you create your campaign, enter the keywords (researched in step 4) and select the match type. When entering your keywords, you can decide how closely the user’s search query needs to be to match your keywords in order for your ad to appear. Here are the four options you can choose from:

  1. Broad match
  2. Broad match modifier
  3. Phrase match
  4. Exact match
  • Write your ad

Once you are done with all the steps, it’s time for you to write your ads. Your ad should include the keywords and be enticing, so that many people click on it.  You can also preview your ads while drafting them. Make sure your ad looks good in all three places, i.e. on top of the search results, beside the search results and on all mobile devices.

  • Connect your credit card

When you've completed writing your ad, connect your credit card to make your advertisement go live.

  • Evaluate and optimize ads

Once your ad is live and after couple of months, optimize the ads to improve the effectiveness of your Bing ads. You can take the following measures:

  • Add negative keywords

  • Create additional ads for testing purposes

  • Go for advanced targeting options

Advertising on Bing is a very effective and efficient way to get your business in front of your prospective audience. By following the above steps, you will be able to run Bing Ads in no time!

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